Good Architecture changes the World
The definition of good architecture continually adapts to the evolving needs of society. Today, a prominent and widely discussed aspect revolves around environmental sustainability.
In all our projects, we aim to harmonize comfort with eco-friendly and cost-effective solutions. This commitment propels us to consistently explore materials and technologies that enhance the energy efficiency of structures, foster healthy living spaces, and minimize environmental impact throughout the construction process.
In 2020, we were struck by the European Commission’s document “A wave of renovations for Europe“. The revelation? Residential and commercial structures contribute to 40 percent of energy consumption and 36 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. In Italy, the scenario mirrors this trend: over 60 percent of residential buildings predate 1980, with almost half constructed between 1946 and 1980 (source: ENEA). For those of us embedded in the construction supply chain, it was akin to discovering that chocolate pie contributes to weight gain—figures that still lack widespread awareness among the public.”
To us, embedded in the construction supply chain, it was like “finding out” that chocolate pie contributes to weight gain: however, these figures still lack widespread awareness among the public.
In response to this challenge, we leverage our expertise to assist those seeking to enhance the energy efficiency of their homes. Having successfully managed over 15 projects in the Northeast Italy, specifically in the realm of Ecobonus and Superbonus, we are now at the forefront of navigating the latest incentives.
Over the past years, we’ve collaborated with like-minded partners as members of the Filiera Veneta Business Network. This network is dedicated to initiatives involving the construction and revitalization of tourist-accommodation facilities, with a strong emphasis on environmental preservation, elevating housing standards, reducing energy consumption, and promoting overall energy efficiency.